On Writing

Fresh Ways to get Words on the Page


Most of the work that I do with writers is revisionary. That means I help folks with the work that is done after there are a lot of words on the page.

I’m often asked about that first step though, the getting of the words on the page. That step is the focus of this notes series.

If you’re curious about the work that I do merging the sacred arts and creative writing, you’ll find lots of that here.

Wisening your Vast Writer’s Heart
Ginger Eager Ginger Eager

Wisening your Vast Writer’s Heart

I’ve often been told that I don’t have to put someone out of my heart just because I will not allow that person into my home. Easily said, but so difficult to do—the work of a lifetime, really. These writing exercises help me with that. Perhaps they’ll help you too.

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Life’s Unanswerables
Ginger Eager Ginger Eager

Life’s Unanswerables

Yet still today the questions that turn me into a hungry ghost are shadows of that early hellfear: How much of the world have I hurt unknowingly? Do our actions matter in any cosmic sense? Is reincarnation real? Is life nothing but a simulation?

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At Play in the Atelier
Ginger Eager Ginger Eager

At Play in the Atelier

Writing can be viewed as an act of engagement. We have questions that we yearn to follow and deepen. Writing isn’t a bin of dirt and a bucket of water, exactly, but it’s not not that either: the dirt of our past, the water of our emotions. We seek deeper relationship with our memories, our curiosities, our pain points, our secrets, our delights and desires, our fiercest hungers.

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